
Showing posts from October, 2017

HW Creativity

New Media most definitely fosters creativity. It has allowed us access to a diversity of ideas and the means to produce. With all of these tools available to users, everyone is able to creative, both professionals and non-professionals. The best part is you do not have to spend an abundance of money. We can create in the comfort of our homes with our laptops. We are able to watch how-to tutorials and become creators and producers. There are endless benefits of digital technology. In the article, “1+1+1=1 The New Math of Mashups”, Mark Vidler stated, “You don’t need a distributor, because your distribution is the Internet. You don’t need a record label, because it’s your bedroom, and you don’t need a recording studio, because that’s your computer. You do it all yourself.” We have plenty of opportunities because of New Media.  In a virtual world of unlimited ideas, only creativity could arise. New Media has benefited the music industry as well. Jeremy Brown was able to adjust the tempo

Creativity and New Media For my example of how New Media fosters creativity, I mashed videos and photos I created, added a sound track and a title. I wanted to make a short clip that displays a few of my amazing experiences at music festivals with my best friends. I used Magisto, an online video editor. It is a mobile and web application for video editing and production. It allows users to add a creative aspect to videos and images they produce. What's great about this application is anyone can use it, professionals and non-professionals.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

A virtual world is a computer-based online community environment that allows users to interact in a custom-built, simulated world. I have never given the idea of virtual worlds much thought until now. When I have thought about it, it was because of television shows I have watched and it dealt with video games. However, virtual worlds are used more than I knew. Businesses are participants of the virtual world as well. According to the article, “Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life”, businesses are testing virtual meetings. I think it is a great idea for companies to use virtual communities for conferences and remote meetings. This reduces cost for travel, hotel, and other expenses. It makes no sense to go the extra mile when you can attend from your desktop. Video is a great aspect. However, there is something about the physical aspect of creating avatars that mimic employees that  simply adds more value than video. Though there are pros, there are cons as well, such as the surfa

Blog about Twitter

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a blackboard discussion? When you tweet, anyone can view it, but on a blackboard discussion only students registered in a particular class can view and respond. Conversations are happening all the time on Twitter, but blackboard conversations happen when requested by a professor. Blackboard discussions are used for educational purposes, and Twitter can be used to be involved in entertaining conversations, as well as political, educational, and any other conversations. You can use Twitter as a public journal. As for word/character count, blackboard has more freedom and space to express your opinions and/or expertise on a subject. Twitter has a very short character limit, therefore, you must choose your words wisely. Both sites are used to participate in conversation, but it is clear they are used differently and the platforms are overall different.

Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook always gives the impression that users are constantly being informed about the news, but also there is an entertainment aspect. I steered away from Facebook for over a year, but I returned a few months ago. The reason I came back is because my friends are always on and tagging me in posts. I love being able to find out what is going on all over the world, but also seeing cute dog videos. There is so much you can find out through Facebook. As for Twitter, I get the impression of a conversational platform. I see how useful listening to conversations are for companies, because they can get better and grow. On the other hand, you can see what your favorite artist is talking about. Next, the impression I get from Instagram is photography. Everyone is sharing photos and videos. Instagram is a visual resume, presenting your company, talent, or just to show the world who you are. Lastly, Snapchat gives the impression of  being fun and exciting, because you are able to send pictures a

Blog: Social networking

In today’s age, social media is a huge part of our daily lives. I can’t remember the last time I woke up and didn't go on social media sites. Social networking is a great tool for communication. It is used for both personal and professional reasons. We use it to connect with friends, job searches, recruitment, sharing valuable information, sharing professional/personal experiences with others, or if you need to get inspired. There are many reasons for social networking. Everyone has the ability to connect with people from around the world. The advances of technologies and social networking combined gives us many opportunities. For example, if you are seeking a job in another state or country, companies can interview you via video chat. Facebook is a great platform for companies to find their valuable candidates, as well as candidates finding a job. It is interesting because companies are able to collect an extensive amount of data on people based on what they like and comment o

Blog: Blog vs Wiki

A blog is a diary-type exposition that is presented in reverse chronological order. Blogs can cover multiple topics/subjects from personal to political. Bloggers are able to focus on one subject, or multiple. Blogs are a place where you can freely express your opinions and/or expertise on a subject. On the other hand, Wiki is a collaborative website where you create, edit and structure content. You are to able to edit others' content, and they can edit yours. Also, you can plan events, and work on projects collectively. Today's networked world allows us to share information, ideas, or to educate others. When you compare blogs and wikis,  it is the same as comparing individual and collaborative. However, blogs can be collaborative; everyone can add useful information and comments on other peoples posts. According to the article, "Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People", individuals who are participants have the ability to edit, as I stated previously. For thi