Blog: Blog vs Wiki

A blog is a diary-type exposition that is presented in reverse chronological order. Blogs can cover multiple topics/subjects from personal to political. Bloggers are able to focus on one subject, or multiple. Blogs are a place where you can freely express your opinions and/or expertise on a subject. On the other hand, Wiki is a collaborative website where you create, edit and structure content. You are to able to edit others' content, and they can edit yours. Also, you can plan events, and work on projects collectively. Today's networked world allows us to share information, ideas, or to educate others. When you compare blogs and wikis,  it is the same as comparing individual and collaborative. However, blogs can be collaborative; everyone can add useful information and comments on other peoples posts. According to the article, "Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People", individuals who are participants have the ability to edit, as I stated previously. For this reason, you must understand that not all created content is accurate. Both experts and beginners are participants on Wikis. Therefore, It can be difficult to fish out inaccurate information. The freedom of blogs and wikis are questionable. According to the article, "Stung by the Perfect Sting", defamation lawsuits may occur against users who post. Bloggers and participants of wikis need to understand their rights and responsibilities under the defamation law. Anything you post is viewed by the world, which is why it is essential to make sure what you post is accurate.


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