
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have contributed to the “Social Networking” page, specifically the “Instagram” section. I discussed how Instagram can be used to market your business. This is something I feel everyone should know. I added its benefits. I plan on adding to “Hashtags” section too. I want to discuss the importance of it. I have done research on the perks of using it. One perk would be, it makes online searches easier and faster. Hashtags are used as a tool in marketing. Therefore, it is something that many people and companies should be aware of. You need to be able to use hashtags properly. Lastly, I plan on contributing to the “Marketing” page. I want to add a section titled, “The importance of marketing for businesses.” Before I discuss that, I will state what marketing is in plain English. The success of your business relies on marketing. It’s important to get the word out about your product and/or business. How else would potential customers find out about you? This is also where “Social Media

Blog: Next New

A type of “new media” that doesn’t exist is 3D holographic video messaging. This would take messaging to a whole new level. It’s exciting, fun, innovative, and personal. It’s being able to transmit 3D holographic video from one phone to another. Users would have the option to save those messages as well. 3D holographic videos would make it feel as if whoever you are chatting with is in the room with you. This is a feature family and friends would enjoy when sending funny and/or loving videos to one another. I hope this will be designed in the near future.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is the act of transferring files from one computer to another through a network. This may include documents, multimedia – audio and videos, images, and more.  First and foremost, P2P stands for peer-to-peer. This type of file sharing is used to share files between many users over the internet. In the article, “Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it,” the author stated, “But could P2P itself create the attention needed to bring big audiences to our message? The answer is yes.” Remind you, many of us participate or have participated in this more than you think. I know many of you remember “LimeWire,” a file sharing platform that people used to illegally share music. Overall, it allows users to access media files. This may include books, music, movies, and games, using a P2P software. Many computers can be connected at one time. Other than LimeWire, one example from the article is “The Pirate Bay,” which allows users to download music, movies, games, sof

Blog: Privacy

Privacy and confidentiality has become a huge concern in new media. Since everything is online, it makes it easier for people to track personal information. Your search history on sites, credit information, and anything you do can be tracked. We have a digital finger print. Advertisers can use our information to their advantage. They can see what we like, post, and search for. This is why we tend to see images of things we would want to buy on Facebook or Instagram. In terms of Social Media, people do not realize that the personal information they post may have consequences. People who are regularly posting pictures, videos, and statuses do not think about what hackers, stalkers, or anyone could do with that data. Newer generations are definitely more likely to post personal information than others. It seems they are oblivious to these matters. Hackers can find ways to access personal information such as credit card information and other confidential matters. These issues can ruin s

Blog: Advice

Some suggestions I would make using New Media deals with marketing, student learning, and engaging staff and students. We would be able to improve the college by using digital technologies for sure. First, digital marketing through Social Media is a great tool for colleges when attracting potential students. This would help generate web traffic, and we can showcase who we are and what we have to offer. Next, using Google+ is an effective tool for allowing staff and students to collaborate. It provides a unified learning environment that spreads education outside the classroom. This would allow users to share information and feedback around the clock. Tutors will be able to help students whenever they need. That would be extremely beneficial. Lastly, using Social Media to communicate with people across Baruch’s community. This enables users to share college news and delivering messages. Social Media can be used as a platform to give feedback and information, which can help improve the